Web Calendar
Local Information of Laboratory
Notice: these pages are mostly in Finnish.
- Halli
- Local Instructions (Link to the Finnish site)
- Some www utility programs and overall help information.
- Mailing lists (only from inside hut.fi domain, mostly in Finnish)
- Archive of the mailing list for hutcs users [users].
Members of [tko] mailing list.
- Research Seminar (only in Finnish)
- Web calendar
- Web calendar of laboratory.
- The Computer Science Building
- Introduction of The Computer Science Building built in 1998.
- Web statistics
- Statistics of www server at www.cs.hut.fi
- System administration weblog
- Significant operations and updates performed by the system administration.
Other Useful Information
- Miscellaneous links
- Java documentation
- Java documentation from server java.sun.com (Available only for domain hut.fi
- Tietokilta (TiK)
- The Students of Computer Science.
- What to eat today in Otaniemi (In Finnish)